we have not had that kind of weather in Long Beach in a while. so what did we do? we took advantage of it, of course! thanks to muelu's cousin amani, we went swimming on sunday. kymora, our little fish, was super excited. kainoa was on his best behavior, again. he took a 2 hour nap, sat on my lap, and just people watched. all the kids love him. kymora got out of the pool around 7pm, but only because we MADE her. otherwise, she could have kept going despite having a bad case of the shivers :) what a trooper.
and since we are on a h20 blog... kainoa and his bath. we have 2 fishes in this house.. he loves bath time.
pictures are gettin better auts! im still sad about kai's hair!
Does picture taking run in your family? Too cute!
miss them!
ok love the pics. camera=not a waste!!! love these shots A. perfect. :)
HEY ANTONIO- DO I KNOW YOU? are you just a random blog reader?
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