i know it's all late, but i still felt the need to post an hasta-luego-2006. this was a good year. too many great things have happened, i just want to make sure i document some of the highlights.

of course, kainoa muelu salanoa was born. september 16 @ 7:45 pm. my family left to get some sushi, muelu stepped out for a minute and of course kainoa starts to crown. he was born in about 10 minutes. after my mom had her rainbow roll, she met her new grandson. he's 3.5 months old and such a joy to watch. he is a good baby. so full of smiles and laughs. he discovered his fingers earlier this week and can't stop throwing up the 'one' sign with his pointing finger. sooo cute.

kymora started pre-k and soccer this year. ms.celes, her teacher, informed us that she is a born leader during our first parent teacher meeting. ms.celes pointed out some of kymora's strenghts, and leadership was one of them. i was so happy to hear that since i am NOT a leader in any way. some of her weaknesses: perfection. to the point of breakdown. i am trying to work on that since i am sure i am a big contributor to her complex. sorry kymora : ( she also started soccer for the first time. kymora loved it. she scored 9 goals this seasons. not too shabby for a rookie :) indoor starts in february, and she's excited.

2006 wasn't so bad for me either. besides being SICK of morning sickness, back aches, and sore legs from my pregnancy, the year was pretty good to me. what more could i ask for? i'm a lucky girl and that's one thing i do not want to forget or take for granted in 2007. before i start to bitch at how i wish i had a bigger house, a better job, smaller thighs (well, some things just have the right to bitch about :), or get mad at muelu for forgetting to take out the trash, i want to try and remember how lucky i am. how lucky i am to have so much love in my life, how lucky i am to have a home, a job, a huge family and a small, close circle of good friends, how lucky i am ... how lucky i am.
i'm sure 2007 will be filled with many more exciting moments for me to blog about. best be sure i WILL update .... toodles '06..
1 comment:
many new memories to come in 2007 kelbin. glad yu are in my life baddy!
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