Thursday, December 14, 2006

my big boy...

I can’t believe he’s going to be 3 months old on Saturday. I laugh whenever we put him in anything but a onesie. Like this shirt for instance, i call it his ‘big boy’ shirt. It’s still a onesie, but it has a collar, stripes and buttons. So essentially, it’s a man’s shirt. A manly shirt, that’s what it is. It kind of gives me a small preview of what he’s going to look like as a big boy, a toddler. Although i can’t wait until he walks and talks, I just love this stage. It melts my heart when he smiles at me or laughs when I talk to him. I know that it’s going to go by super fast, like it did with Kymora, but I just love putting him in big boy clothes. I remind myself to enjoy all that comes with him being a baby. Even if it means waking up at 4 a.m. to nurse him, i remind myself that it’s going to pass me by in the blink of an eye. It breaks my heart when i think of how fast this is all going to go by.
Well that’s why i started the blog. So just a few notes on how he is at 2.999 months old..
Kainoa is already pretty independent. He entertains himself with his finger sucking and hair tousseling –is that a word? (he loves to suck his fingers and twine his hair around his finger at the same time). He loves to talk to himself. He imitates noises we make. He puts himself to sleep. He cracks up when his sister plays with him. That's our big baby boy...


April said...

awwww!!! da widdos!!!
i LOVE him sooo much! i cant wait to see what he looks like, too!

Celestine said...

ahhhhhh the widdo babyyyyy :)
i just wanna eat him up! but i promised kymora i would neither bite nor lick him :)

Celestine said...

i know! i tried calling you to find out when you were coming home from work so i could go over and get my grub on, but you didn't answer/call me back. is there any more left??

oooh what's the scoop on photoshop!?

ps; i've already knocked out #1 on my to-do list- my room is like a whole new world! pictures of my new and improved pad will be posted later today. aand i'm about to knock out #2b in about five minutes :)

jamie said...

so handsome! i didn't know he was a finger sucker! pytting himself to sleep too? man, he's spoiling you! :)

Celestine said...

i know! i lose my breath every time i walk into my room now lol.

ooh call me tomorrow when you have news on photoshop!

Andrea said...

He is so pogi. But all that sensitive stuff needs to stop when he's 6'5. But even then I will always see him as my baby - oops I mean your baby. :) It's tousling not tousseling, Fred Jr. (Anonymously not unanimously.)