Well, if i'm posting now a days it's a birthday or a special occasion (bad mommy). tomorrow is a special day though. kava turns 4! let's see, around this time 4 years ago i was debating weather or not i was in labor. was i having contractions or just braxton hicks (which i think are dumb). turns out i was in labor. kava was probably my hardest birth. i always say that. i pushed him out so hard i bruised his face and his nose was swollen :( i can't believe in a year he'll be off to pre-k. makes me so sad. sad that i haven't spent as much time with him as i'd like. sad that he's growing right before my eyes and i don't even know how to preserve all the memories.

kava you are so full of life! you have the craziest, silliest faces, the cutest lisp, the hardest head -_-. life sure would be a snooze fest if you weren't around. you're full of surprises. like the time we thought you would never learn the alphabet/numbers and to our surprised you spit a-z out and counted to 30. or the time you dug up worms and a lizard and tried to keep them alive in a bowl. you are so boy. if there is dirt with in 3 feet you are in it. you sit down and just start digging. you have a favorite spot in the yard that you just dig and dig. well guess what, this year daddy and i got you a shovel and a watering can. so you can just dig away! the dirt ends up all over your face/hands/body. you're grossly dirty and sweaty most of the time. but, we wouldn't have it any other way. you always say ,'what?' when we look at you oddly. like you are suppose to be that dirty....

you are such a lover though. you loooove your brother and sister. in fact you always say call us your 'families'. you'll tell grandma, 'i missth my familiesth'. geeze i hope when you read this you grow out of that cute lisp.
kava we love you so much. so glad you have made our life full of surprise and joy. never stop seeing the world the way you do. full of life, adventure, and bit of mischief.. not too much though. ;)
happy birthday, my love! more to come after your fun filled day.