I normally don't have a lot of regrets. The other day, I was going through my blog and realized how much i regret not keeping up my blog. You kids are growing up so fast. So much is happening. I need to do this.

Kava is 3. He is getting big so fast. He is cracks us up every single day. The only kid that has a lisp and can't pronounce L (hewwo, for hello, wook it, for look it). He is also the most hard headed of the bunch. Sorry, Kava but it ain't no secret. You're alwayyyyys in trouble. But, sometimes you just have to give me that smile where your eyes crinkle and all is forgotten. You LOVE LOVE LOVE your Kuya Kainoa. You guys are 2 peas in a pod. Always exploring the back yard, looking for worms and other nasty boy stuff. Kava loves to dig holes too. Or dig a hole. He digs the same hole in the yard, we joke that one day he'll find China. He also has this fetish with my arm- at night. He looks for it and kisses it, hugs it, or will say, MOM WHERE'S YOUR ARM? I joke and say i'm going to wear a sweatshirt and he gets so mad. He's quite the character. If he loses his shoe or toy, he'll say "shooooeeee where are you?" or "car? caaaarrrr. where are you?" it's so cute. i'm going to be so sad when he starts school.

I really need to blog more.