Monday, May 6, 2013

kava turns 3

kava you turned 3 today!! these 3 years have just flown by! it seems like just yesterday that you were pulling on my leg in the kitchen not letting me cook. kava, you are one tough kid! you were the only one who would not let me out of sight. you were stuck on me so much that in the wee hours of the morning, you roll over to feel my arm. if i'm not there, you scream mammmmaaaaaaaaaa!! i have to ask you if i can go to the bathroom so you wont get out of bed crying. you also are the roughest and craziest. you have no sense of fear wheather it's dad getting mad at you or jumping off a high step at the park. but, with all that, in one gummy smile, crinkle of your eyes and nose, we give in and forget that moment that you broke the new 65" tv. yes, you did. and for 1 year, you blamed it on kainoa. to say you test us everyday is an understatement. but you also make us laugh everyday.

we are amazed that you know how to spell the most random words (yes spell) on the iphone. you know your alphabet and colors, and numbers, but when i asked if you're ready to use the toilet, you said, "NEVER".

you definitely hold your own and keep up with the older two. but, at the same time you absolutely adore your sister and brother. you are a tender heart with the ferocity of a lion :)

kava, you remind me to slow down everyday. we love you so much. we are so excited to watch you grow up into a wonderful man. you add so much to our lives. thank you!

love you forever,

mommy and daddy