my first born is 8. my eyes well up with tears when i think about it. today i told her (again) the story of how she was born. she get sad and tells me that she doesn't want to grow up. little does she know, neither do i. even though i am so proud of the little person she is becoming, i still want that magic wand that will keep her a carefree, innocent, and loving kid.
i cringe at the thought of her becoming a teen, rebelling, talking back, wishing i were like her friends 'cool' parents. i cherish the thought of her still wanting to sleep with me, wanting more time with me, wanting my approval.

happy birthday, kymora. we love you and are so proud of you. we aren't going anywhere. we are are here for you when you need an encouraging word, to listen to your funny stories, to pick you up when you fall, to give you that hug when you need it, we are here for you always.

we look forward to many more birthdays with you.