the kids are/were sick all week. first kymora, then kainoa... he's still feeling pretty bad. before they got sick, this is what they looked like:
kyks on her DS
during the sickies: you can see their little eyes all swollen, sick looking :( kymora is better now, so her and dad made sushi.... beautiful! the sushi and the maker :)
today we went to a little good bye lunch for our cousin rueben.. he's off to utah state on full scholarship. we're so proud of this guy!
on new year's day we also had tiff & co over for a little bbq.. kainoa and tai had such a great time playing together. kymora and noa senior :) played wii and some ball outside. he's such a good little man to the kids... it was a nice little break, now time for reality. school, lunches, bed times...