christmas was good. kids got spoiled, as always (not necessarily by us though). highlights: the wii kymora's wanted since last year and kai's train. he kept saying, 'wooow'.
so much has happened in 2008.
kainoa is talking so much. he does this chinese mumble-jibber thing that cracks up everyone up. maybe it's cantonese? mandarin? he hates veggies, except corn and broccoli. so opposite from his sister. he smacks and says, 'guud guud' as if he's a food critic. he is so much fun. until he chucks a car or truck at you. duck for cover.
kymora is learning a lot. not just in school, but in life. her vocabulary/sentences cracks me up. the other day she told me that she's not really a 'fan' of cooked bell peppers. or how her dad snores '50%' of the time. she's a caring older sister. sometimes i think i depend on her too much w/kainoa.
lots to discover in 2009. i want to make so many changes in my life.. i hope i can accomplish it all.
muelu's almost finished with school. 14 more months. it's been rough for the both of us. can't wait until he's finished! full time daddy and hubby again.
anyway, merry belated christmas and a prosperous new year.