Tuesday, November 25, 2008


i got it!
i found it!
i sasa you ate!
bye! see you!
thank you.
i read.
no mom. no nite nite.
lola, heavvvy. (after seeing my mom carry the groceries in the house)

kai at 25ish months. it's so funny. sometimes only we can understand him. now, it's time to master the toilet... ;) wish me luck.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

guess who forgot their camera...

at the happiest place on earth? not to mention it was kai's first time there? yah... mother of the year (drum roll please) autumn salanoa.

so here's the crappy pics w/my phone.

it was disneyland's winter wonderland for the entire park. oh, and yes, it was the first day the day we went. so it was jam packed w/foreigners (no offense). other than that, it was a nice day. the weather was perfect. kai slept for 3 hours. small world was finally open w/winter wonderland type theme. kai cried on pirates. they loved the parade so, it was good times. we enjoyed ourselves. but, i think the salanoa's are over dland. time for knotts. :)

kai watching the parade. that looks is a look of confusion and amazement.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

sometimes, school sucks...

16 more months of school for muelu. yay. can't wait. he's been studying and working so hard, he hardly gets to spend time w/us. to make things worse, this term he's going to school at night and working 12 hr shifts. sooooo.... when he got a small break from studying, we came home to a happy dad. he let the kids play outside at 7pm, on a school night, after their baths, just for kicks.
that's their favorite thing to do right now. play bumper cars.

other random posting:
we had to make/decorate kymora's turkey as a 'family'.

kainoa just ate gold fish and scribbled in his cars coloring book.
(oh, and i don't know why i keep putting him in that shirt, take pics, post on blog above another post w/the same shirt)
that's all.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

magic and a musical... halloween 2008

the kids had such a great time this year! it was kainoa's first real halloween where he could actually trick or treat. he wasn't scared at all. he would run up people's houses and hold up his bag.

kymora (gabriella from HSM2) had fun w/her friends, walking ahead of us like a big girl :)

annnnnnnd last but not least, it was my main squeeze's birthday today (well friday) he's such a great dad and husband. i'm glad we are on the same team cause we make a great one.

happy birthday mumu.. we love you

(thanks for the pics, v:)

playdough + kainoa = no no

nice sunday afternoon. kids loungin'- check. dad relaxin'- check. mom on the computer- check.
kainoa stuffs playdough up his nose- check. wtf.

pre playdough. (that little action he's doing should've been a clue of what was to come ahead)

with playdough.

post playdough.
can you see it on muelu's finger? it was a pretty big chunk that he got up there. both nostrils too...
maybe he's too young for it?