16 more months of school for muelu. yay. can't wait. he's been studying and working so hard, he hardly gets to spend time w/us. to make things worse, this term he's going to school at night and working 12 hr shifts. sooooo.... when he got a small break from studying, we came home to a happy dad. he let the kids play outside at 7pm, on a school night, after their baths, just for kicks.

that's their favorite thing to do right now. play bumper cars.
other random posting:
we had to make/decorate kymora's turkey as a 'family'.

kainoa just ate gold fish and scribbled in his cars coloring book.

(oh, and i don't know why i keep putting him in that shirt, take pics, post on blog above another post w/the same shirt)
that's all.