my big boy got a little trim saturday. muelu didn't trust me, so i had to take him to supercuts ;/
i gave him a lollipop and let the hairdresser go to town. he didn't cry, move, or even wince. thank goodness for dumdums..

although it's not too noticeable, his 'bangs' were definitely out of his eyes. kymora was the ultimate big sister, giving him words of comfort. telling him 'not to cry, it won't hurt and mommy is right here'. i love that she takes the big sister role so seriously and lovingly... final pic of the 'do! tada! the boy can see! :)

and just some random shots... kyks took kainoa for a spin in her truck. funny cause we got this jeep for kymora when she was 2 and she could barely drive it. now it's too small for her. kainoa being the big boy ended up taking the wheel and did pretty well!

i think he was pretty shocked at how
fast he was going :)